Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Genesis 6-9 mind map

 This is my mind Map for Genesis 6-9. In class we used the S.T.E.A.L method to characterize God from the text. I have never been religious so I never really had a very big perspective on God. Reading Genesis gave me a better idea about who God is and what he can do. I was always taught to believe that God created everything on earth, he does everything for a reason, and that he can do no wrong. I no longer agree completely with this. I still believe that everything is done for a reason, but  necessarily a good one. God created a great flood so that all living things on land would be wiped out , all land species extinct. All because he thought that the world had become to violent. This does make sense but wiping out entire populations and then putting a ton of stress on Noah to keep all these animals alive and to build a huge boat is very irrational. There are other Ways god could've fixed this violence problem. The characterizations that we made about God show us that he is more like a normal human than I had thought in the past. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016


          In the story "genesis" lord god created everything on earth. He created land,sea and sky. All plants and animals then finally God created humans to watch over all of this land. He created Adam the fist man then eve was built out of Adams rib. She was made to be a helper for adam. God put them in a beautiful garden where nothing bad happened, it was heaven on earth. Foods and water was plentiful there was only one rule, not to eat from the trees of evil or knowledge for they would die if they ate from these magical trees. There was once a very crafty snake. This snake asked eve if God really said that her and Adam could not eat the fruit off these magical trees. She said yes but this snake was very mischievous. He convinced eve that she would not die. Eve ate the fruit with Adam and had to face the consequences, one of them was being kicked out of the forest. I think that it was mostly the snakes fault for Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden. The snake knew that eve was Naive and would be easily tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. The snake might have thought that if the humans were kicked out of the garden then the snake would rule. If the snake didn't temp eve she most likely would not have eaten the fruit

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


We have learned that in just about every culture there is a story of a flood.The story of the flood in the epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest known flood story.I read the flood story from the Transylvanian Gypsy culture (http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html#Turkey) .Just like any flood story there are similarities and differences from the Gilgamesh version.In this story there are no gods that create the flood.The flood in this story is a consequence of someones wrong doings.This flood lasted for very long, just about one year.The flood in Gilgamesh only takes place for 6 days.Almost all people were wiped out in this flood due to it lasting for so long. it took thousands of years for the people who were on the boat to repopulate the land.And unlike many other flood stories there was no bird set free in search of land.I found it strange that in this story after the husbands wife died he had
to just pick a new one to bring aboard the ship.In both stories the men were able to take their families on the ship. Unlike Upta-napishti this man brought along seeds of trees and herbs so that when the water subsided he could begin to farm the land again.He also brought along animals.After the flood this man was not confronted by anyone who caused the flood or the old traveler to tell him what to do next.All floods stories have their own unique details but follow a basic story line of something bad happening, a person of greater power warning a normal person, the building of a boat, and the after math.This shows that after all these years people still take interest in their cultures past.All cultures may have seemed from one.

Source: Talkorigins.org

Welcome to my blog

       Welcome to my blog. I'm a freshman at Roslyn high school. I'm keeping this blog because my teacher  assigned us to. He says it's going to be fun. I like to do art gymnastics yoga and flying trapeze. I love animals. I want to be a vet when I grow up. I also love to hang out with friends and listen to music. Most of my posts will be all about freshman humanities class.